Occupational therapy as you all must have known is a part of rehabilitation program that incorporates active participation of the clients in the process. The therapist explains the purpose of an activity and simulates it for the client and remains passive for the rest of the time. The client is encouraged by the therapist in every way for his/her progression. As long as the client comes to the department, they work with the therapist instructing by their side. But nobody wants to continue their department visit lifelong. So after a period of regular visits, the clients are given follow up schedule and are asked to visit the department once in a while.
It is here where HOME PROGRAM plays a main role. The therapist creates a home program for the client.
What is home program all about?
As an Occupational Therapist let me explain this to you...
It is a detailed Therapy program given to the clients to do at home till they visit the department next time. The therapist prepares the home program in such a way that the clients can do it successfully with the things available at their home.
Home program includes list of symptomatic activities (i.e.) activities according to the clients symptoms, the frequency of intervals in which they have to be performed and activity progression according to the clients improvement level. The above mentioned are the highlights in a Home Program without which it is incomplete. The therapist explains it in detail for the client and asks for any clarifications. The client is given a detailed picture about the importance of home program.
The clients on performing the home program as per the therapist's guidelines feel the rate of improvement in their skills during their follow up visit. This serves as a strong source of encouragement for the client in achieving their end goal which in turn helps the therapist to proceed on.
I hope I’ve given a clear outline on what home program is all about. Occupational Therapy is a cluster of many such concepts which when explained, makes a lot of sense. Occupational Therapists as a rehab team member create a client-friendly environment and helps out their client to achieve a near normal life.
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