Was surprised lately by the list of Google applications I tend to use in my day to day activities. As it is the time of the year to put forward a list here’s my list of Google applications that I use. I have not added Gmail and Blogger to the list since those are obvious ones
1. Google Maps
I am directionally challenged and this is one important tool which I use before going out for any trip or outing. I have a GPS device but by the time it announces the turn I would be in a wrong lane and would have to drive 20 miles to get back to that point. In India I would have taken a illegal U-turn somewhere where there are no watching Mamas. Everybody tends to act the good guy here in the US. Beats me why.
Anyway I digress. I take a look at the routes and decide which one is the best for me. Not sure how effective this is going to be when I go back to India. When I had no GPS the Google maps in my mobile was a major help.
2. Google Voice
This is one great application that allows me to make cheap calls. It is not available in India as of now
3. Youtube
No intros needed for this
4. Picasa
All my photos go here for sharing.
5. Google Docs
Google’s answer to cloud computing. You can store up to 1 GB and pay for the additional storage.I have started uploading a few critical files
6. Google Wave
This would be helpful from a project management perspective. Not sure how good its going to be on a personal front.
7. Calendar
Have started using this one recently. The best usage will be when I buy a smart phone that would allow me to sync up to the calendar.
8. Google desktop
Started recently on this one. Need to see how I can leverage this.
9. Orkut
In spite of Facebook’s popularity still the more prevalent social networking site in India
10. Gtalk
Do not use this any more. However there was a time when this was my trusty companion.
I would love to have a Nexus phone to complement all these. However the contract / price makes me think. Lets see when they roll it out to India